Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Stressed out

First of all I would like to wish all my friends a belated Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year. I have been really stressed out lately since I came out to my family about my apostasy. It's been over two months now that I haven't seen my brothers and their wives and the kids because they disowned me completely when I told them on Oct 26 2012 that I had left Islam a year ago and months before I met John.

I know it wasn't a very wise thing to do, but frankly, they were getting on my nerves with their convert him convert him convert him chanting. As if a record got stuck while playing and just would not move on. I had to tell them that basically their theory about my relationship or marriage with John not being halal in the eyes of Allah is no longer applicable to me, since I had left Islam long before I even knew John existed.

I don't understand why, but my family members actually think that by punishing me like this by ostracizing me from the community, they would make me come back to Islam. In fact, whenever my mum calls to check on me, she never fails to ask "Shakila, you haven't converted to Christianity, have you?" and each time I lie, saying no, mom, I haven't, and I am still an agnostic. She then heaves a huge sigh of relief and says alhamdullah, which means thanks to Allah. I guess they are still thinking I am going thru a phase and one day eventually I would revert back to Islam, and according to them if I convert to Christianity, or for that matter any other religion, it means the door to reverting back to Islam is shut for good.

These days my aunt from the US, my mom's younger sister, is visiting her for a few days, and she insisted she wants to see me and my fiancé, so this afternoon John and I went over to my mom's place with James, and I have to admit, they were pretty nice to him and treated him waaaay better than my parents ever did. For a moment I almost started to believe things were going to be fine, but alas, that was just wishful thinking. As soon as James left after an hour or so, my aunt started her emotional stuff, begging me to come back to Islam. She even went as far as to say to me that I don't really have to be a devout practising Muslim as I used to be and and as long as I say the shahada in front of everyone, they would be fine with it and would never expect me to pray or fast or do any rituals like I used to, but she kept on insisting to just go back to Islam, nevertheless very non practising.

I was totally out of my wits when she was saying all that, because I really didn't know how to react. This was the most insane thing I had ever heard from a Muslim person's mouth. She kept on about her kids, who are totally non practising, being born and brought up in the US, but nevertheless they would never deny or reject Mohammed, because one day they do want to come to real Islam. Gosh, Muslims are really screwed up people, I have to say. Everything is fine with them whether u pray or not, fast or not, do hijab or not, but at the end of the day they want you to recite the fucking shahada so that you won't end up being in hell for eternity, of course the most kind and merciful Allah would definitely burn u in hell fire for few centuries for not practising proper Islam, but then eventually, he would forgive you all your sins and place you in the garden of paradise, why? Just because you never denied the holy prophet Mohammed no matter what else you did.

This is how twisted the mind of a Muslim is. Totally screwed up people..



    Yo, SHE- BITCH....where u been hiding ???? did spencer/sina finally dream up a new tale to spin.....yup, certainly looks that way, LOL

    Guess you didn;t get too many takers with the "oh why won't anyone believe I am real and please ring me/email me......oh please, pretty please". How did that work out for you ?

    Too funny.

    BTW.....WHO DA FCUK IS JAMES ???? got a threesome going there with jesus freak johnny, hehehehehe

    1. @skouti

      What happened you paedophile Mohammed follower ? Cannot tolerate somebody throwing off the asinine ideas of a rapist, murderer paedophile. Let her live her life she desire and not dictated by asshole terrorists like you.

    2. prophet Mohammad wasn't a murderer, nor a rapist or a peado,
      you little rascals say things u can't prove !
      "Let her live her life"!! man you would kick the shit out of her nasty ass if she insulted "Jesus"or christianity

  2. Hey, its nobody but a fcukin RETARD, :)

    Yo fcuk face, did you email the fake blogger to find out how if spencer is for real, hahahaha

    BTW........tell that loon spencer to link this bullshit blog to his HATE site......there's a good boy

  3. Lib - can you explained one thing (try!) ?: virtually every normal person knows the crap-heads are verbal, volatile and pathological liars, and you are doing your utmost to keep in touch with the trend setters. I don't get it.

    If you keep going back to your mum/dad or what have you, then you are not ready to leave Islam. Islam is going to kill you as they killed millions others. You are a traitor in their eyes - because Mo defined you a traitor. You know the crap-heads will do anything for MO. It is shocking but true.

    If I were 'James' I'll get you out of the country that you are living in to a much better place by yesterday.

    Islam is not peace - it is fire (I left the h word out). You shouldn't give them a chance to murder you. In accordance with the Quran (Islamic Holy book - LOL) they are going to give you three chances to return to Islam. Two you have taken.

    They are scared of your conversion to Christianity because they know people will learn about the real love of God. Once you become a true Christian, you will tell everyone (if asked) that you are one and you never need to lie again in your whole life. That is the way the normal people live and let live.

    I don't understand why is Islam the ultimate price for a Muslim? I don't think I will ever get that.

    Take care.

    1. She can't even leave christianity now! apostates must be killed in all religions not only islam!
      Im a muslim and I'm not a violent nor a verbal guy, you generalize and theorize like you really know alot about every single muslim on earth.
      The media is fucking your brains not just washing them, you brain fusked big mouths. Islam is peace not fire like yous said, and I bet you she will revert to islam ,I mean if she's a lucky one

    2. Even you know - this story is false.

      Hence this person could NOT answer - the criticism towards the story.

      The repeated - belittling of Muslims.

      That is hatred of Sina/Spencer.

      This is simply THEIR creation.

  4. If I were 'James' (or jesus freak johnny even!) - gawd no wonder the SHE-BITCH is stressed eh

    stop right there FOOL......repeat after me "Dar-SHIT & you know you are, Dar-SHIT & you know you are, Dar-SHIT & you know you are,Dar-SHIT & you know you are"

    ROFLMAO.......totally hilarious!!!! :)

    "Once you become a true Christian"

    Whatever the FUCK that is.......but Dar-SHIT is a true "Christian" (NOT).......hehehehe

    oh dear......man, this blog is well and truly busted. look not even the Islam Hating CUNTs (apart from dar shit and some other turds) can be bothered with it. Even robert jihad" spencer has given up.......no longer linking this shit to his HATE site

    poor sina :)

  5. skouti - if there is any crap head around here, you go and check your face in the mirror after shaving that shitty beard off you SOB. You are true colors of Islam that includes pukie green. My hunch has it that either a sadistic Mullah or a bunch of them did you over once too much, that you can't tell the difference between your mouth and your ring-hole. On the second thought there is none, because it is pure verbal diarrhea that you are spewing out by the bucket load.

    Man O man, if anyone is in an urgent need for a therapy, I can't imagine anyone other than you. Now buzz off and go back to the hell hole you came from aka Pakistan/ Somalia.

  6. "Dar-SHIT & he knows he is, "Dar-SHIT & he knows he is,"Dar-SHIT & he knows he is,"Dar-SHIT & he knows he is,"Dar-SHIT & he knows he is,"Dar-SHIT & he knows he is,"Dar-SHIT & he knows he is,"Dar-SHIT & he knows he is,"Dar-SHIT & he knows he is,"Dar-SHIT & he knows he is,"Dar-SHIT & he knows he is,"

    BWAHAHAHAHA....oh dear, you just know its burning poor Dar-SHIT up.

    As for the FAKE MURTARD - Yo SHE-BITCH.....is is johnny or james who is fcukin u up ???? Make up yer mind and do let us know :)

  7. Lib : "This is how twisted the mind of a Muslim is. Totally screwed up people."

    skouti : "Dar-SHIT & he knows he is,......." repeated hundreds of time.

    After observing thousands of examples on the internet or via direct contact with some muslims, my thinking is they are vile, vulgar, volatile, numskulled and twisted.

    Did you follow that skouti? Leave that fucking evil Islamic cult and enroll in a rapid and serious mental therapy sessions to enjoy hereafter your normal living. Otherwise, go and fuck yourself with those evil looking Mullahs.

    1. Look at your posts - YOU are the one who is vile.

      Your words. . . .

      If you are SUCH good.

      Then why the hatred and abuse?

  8. Whoa.....stay classy as a HATER DAR SHIT :)


    have enjoyed yanking poor DAR SHIT's chain.........its just so-oooooo easy to bait a dumb mofo like him

    But not as much fun as seeing this blog dyin a slow death, Hehehehe

  9. @Caged deranged brain dicked apostate

    you said: "and according to them if I convert to Christianity, or for that matter any other religion, it means the door to reverting back to Islam is shut for good.".....what the..!?
    you know this is not true! you can repent at any time according to "them" mslims, the freaking door is always open,you lied you lied you lied, it's like you have a mission to distort the image of islam in front of them stupid readers, and yes you're not good at that, maybe you could do better if you were still a muslim like most of asshole muslims do, but now ,that you're a stinky apostate, it's obvious why you say some shit about islam and musilms.

    1. I got to laugh at these clowns.

      Tarek- "m a muslim and I'm not a violent nor a verbal guy, you generalize and theorize like you really know alot about every single muslim on earth."

      Dar - "they are vile, vulgar:"
      Tarek - "The media is fucking your brains"
      Snotti - "WHO DA FCUK IS JAMES ???? got a threesome going there with jesus freak johnny"

      Dar - "they are volatile:"
      Tarek - "you brain fusked big mouths"
      Snotti - "man, .. look not even the Islam Hating CUNTs"

      Dar - "they are twisted :"
      Tarek - "you can repent at any time according to "them" mslims, the freaking door is always open,you lied you lied you lied,"
      QUran - "2:191-193 Fight and kill unbelievers until “religion is God’s,” i.e. Islamic law rules all societies"
      qURAn - "4:34 Beat disobedient women"
      QuRan - "4:89 Kill apostates"
      quAran - "9:5 Slay the idolaters"

      DAR - "They are pathological liars"
      Tarek - "Islam is peace not fire"
      Tarek - "the freaking door is always open,you lied" ... "but now ,that you're a stinky apostate, it's obvious why you say some shit about islam"

      Tarek - "prophet Mohammad wasn't a murderer, nor a rapist or a peado"
      Quran - "9:5 Slay the idolaters ... 8:39 Fight unbelievers until Islam reigns supreme .... 9:111 Paradise guaranteed to those who kill and are killed for Allah"
      Quran - "4:3 Polygamy and sexual slavery ... 4:34 Beat disobedient women ... Mo had 13 wives...then in addition ..ShariaLaw: After having the possession of slave maid it is lawful and correct to have sexual relation with them. Muhammad with two beautiful and sexy coptic slave-girls who were sisters. Muhammad took for himself Mariya, the most beautiful one and gave her sister, Sirin, to his poet friend, Hassan ibn Thabit for him to enjoy her."

      Mo a pedo - he (53 yrs old) married a six years old and screwed her on her ninth moon-year birthday. That makes her eight years old.

      DAR to Tarek and Snotti - go and fuck yourselves in the nearest evil worship house with your nearest Mullah, Pir, Tabari, Ghazali, Ibn Ishaq, Ibn Sa’d, Sahih Hadith, Hedaya, Umdat al-Salik or any other name that you care to call him by.

    2. @darn!chan
      I recomand you to read a book called: " the first muslim " the author of it is a jewish lady (Lesley Hazleton). I don't want you to like "the prophet MOHAMMAD" (ASWS), I just want you to understand a little thing about him.
      name another muslim that married a 9 years old lady!... Im sure you can't ! do you know why? it's because muslims understand that human of the age of "prophet MOHAMMAD" (ASWS) is different than now, even tradditions!
      when prophet mohamad married the "9 years old woman who was able to have kids and whose parents did not refuse her marriage" his tribe didn't disapprove that , even his enemies didn't say "don't follow that peado" or any shit like that.
      9 years old girls can't have kids that's why you don't see us muslims marry them at that age .
      alot of asian societies used to do the same thing, also the jews and I dare you to diapprove this or say that I'm wrong
      tarek @darn!shit : GO TO HELL

    3. hey Tarek,

      don't bother with DAR-SHIT as he is backward ass white TRASH. He got no "HIGH SCHOOL" and hates all people of colour so if it wasn't Islam he would be hating blacks etc

    4. yeah you're right skout, I think it's time to call it a day for now and wait for the next post from this "stressed out caged threesome leader". Peace!

    5. "A nine-year-old girl has the same sexual capacities like a woman of twenty and over." Skeikh Mohamed Ibn Abderrahmane Al-Maghraou of Saudi Arabia.

      "A man can marry a girl younger than nine years of age, even if the girl is still a baby being breastfed. A man, however is prohibited from having intercourse with a girl younger than nine, other sexual acts such as foreplay, rubbing, kissing and sodomy is allowed. A man having intercourse with a girl younger than nine years of age has not committed a crime, but only an infraction, if the girl is not permanently damaged. If the girl, however, is permanently damaged, the man must provide for her all her life. But this girl will not count as one of the man's four permanent wives. He also is not permitted to marry the girl's sister.
      The late Ayatollah Khomeini of Iran"


      When are you going to ever learn from the mounting evidence that Islam is dirty tricks?

    6. @Darkhomeinschan!! haha!
      " Ayatollah Khomeini of Iran" ??? .......man he's fucked up just like you, I think you're the one who needs to learn more about islam, and man if you want to learn about the prophet learn from his followers (sunni muslims) not (shia dogs from iran), because those assholes like khomeini are doing better than you in distorting the name of Islam and the prophet MOHAMMAD (ASWS), and believe me they wont hate you if you insult him for them now you are a scholar who just graduated from TAHRAN. Man! you just cracked me up ! khomeini!!? wow!! do u think this retarded ass is a scholar ? do you think you brought an evidence that will crash my nuts !? man here's my evidence to you : fuck you and fuck your khomeini! you love Shiaa don't you? I hate you both! ekhhhhhhhh tfouuuuuuuuu

    7. tarek . "Im a muslim and I'm not a violent nor a verbal guy, you generalize and theorize like you really know alot about every single muslim on earth."

      two days later -

      tarek : " man here's my evidence to you : fuck you and fuck your khomeini! you love Shiaa don't you? I hate you both! ekhhhhhhhh tfouuuuuuuuu"

      I never met anyone so fucked-up brainless twisted SOB in my life like this "not a verbal" nutjob Muslim.

      What did you say earlier - you dont hate ?? and later " I hate you both!"

    8. @darnshit: violent, non-violent, why would you care!? you would hate me either way. the fact that I'm a muslim is enough to make you hate me darnshit!
      about you sayin Im twisted....man it's like you believed me when I said:""Im a muslim and I'm not a violent nor a verbal guy..." what the...!!!! I know that you know that I know that you didn't believe me from the first place!
      Darnshit! stop typing comments while shoving your head in your mom's cunt you son of a nude motherfuckin bitch who gives free fucks to hobos in the name of woman's rights!
      peace !! or should I say pishhhhhh.......poshhhhhhh!

    9. You are perhaps the most filthy mouthed son of a beach and a camel abuser, I forgot, you sound like a Paki or a Somali worthless piece of turd, so you are a son of a donkey abusing Mohamed.

      The way you are 'posting' responses, you sound like a product of a third gen first cousins in-bread humanoid and a bad donkey. I can't figure whether your mum is a donkey or your dad. Care to tell us, so I can response to your 'postings' accordingly? - my apology to the donkeys, they don't deserve an association with this ass clown.

    10. Darn!shit! (you really know u are just like skouty said)!!!
      I think that you're pissed of just becuz I told u:"you son of a nude motherfuckin bitch who gives free fucks to hobos in the name of woman's rights! ". And man I guess I'll keep saying :"you son of a nude motherfuckin bitch who gives free fucks to hobos in the name of woman's rights! " untill you realize that you are a ( son of a nude motherfuckin bitch who gives free fucks to hobos in the name of woman's rights!)
      And man little did you know that Im the one who fucked that bitch!
      now that you know I think you must give me some credit, for Im the reason they call you SOB! HAHA!

      pishhhh poshhh!

  10. now you know why DAR-SHIT is a (ISLAM)HATER , LOL :)

    or he must be really pissed that the SHE-BITCH got johnny and james not him........SHAME!!!!

    funny how poor DAR-SHIT is the only one who frequents this fake blog......he must be a die-hard dumbass mo'fcukeri.....even his leader, that dickhead, bobby "jihad" spencer has given up, hahahahaha


  11. Every time I try to quit darshit pops some new shit so fuck it , forget about quittin Darnshit say some shit!

  12. Hey Lib - unless you can monitor this blog, it is serving no purpose other than some explicit are posted in response to your woes.

    1. you DARN!oh!shit!!
      I think my dog wants to say something about your comment...
      c'mon SAM !...
      SAM the dog: how bow hahowwooo baw ! baw baw!!..grrrr

      translation: he said that he understands all the pain you've been through, he looked straight to you and said : "Darn!oh!shit!! you're not the only son of a bitch here, my mom is a bitch too, but you know dawg in this life you don't pick your mom!! " and then he started crying and walked

      PS: SAM the dog doesn't know the second meaning of the word bitch (man he thinks that you are a dog! he didn't mean to offende all the dogs around the world man ,but he's just so naive)
      pishhhh poshhhhh!

    2. I see skouti and tarekg are back to their favourite blog with their foul mouths. Shining examples of Islam you are.

  13. No reply from the SHE-BITCH, LOL,

    hey lib, DAR-SHIT (AND HE KNOWS HE IS) is crying like a PUSSY..........please put that dumbass white trash out of his misery (whoa thats a lot of misery the fcukeris got)


  14. Pure Islamic poetry written by another breathing trash :

    tarek: "I think that you're pissed of just becuz I told u:"you son of a nude motherfuckin bitch who gives free fucks to hobos in the name of woman's rights! ". And man I guess I'll keep saying :"you son of a nude motherfuckin bitch who gives free fucks to hobos in the name of woman's rights! " untill you realize that you are a ( son of a nude motherfuckin bitch who gives free fucks to hobos in the name of woman's rights!)
    And man little did you know that Im the one who fucked that bitch!
    now that you know I think you must give me some credit, for Im the reason they call you SOB! HAHA!"

    hey snotty, I don't think you can top this ass clown, can you? I think his Madrassa professor got him to a lot higher grad than you. I guess you are feeling so pissed that you want to go and learn from the same prof. Man oh man, the ass clown was telling me he is a nice Muslim and I shouldn't generalize all them. I did not expect the severe spread of a verbal diarrhea epidemic. You guys don't see any problem with this kind of exhibition?

    What do you have to say son, can you top him?


    I did luv the way DAR SHIT pleads with the SHE-BITCH "hey lib, please monitor this blog cuz I am a stoopid white bwoy and I got no high school, and I was abused by my catholic priest, he nailed me in the ass real good"

    Still no reply from the SHE-BITCH :)

    Unlucky DAR SHIT, U ungrateful HONKY, hahahaha

    Stay classy as a HATER and a LOSER,

  16. Snoty - your postings are third rate compare to your kid brother, tareq who appears to be banging away with the dogs - LOL. Hey we live in a free world. I don't care if muzzies practice doggy-style on real bitches - everyone is to their own. Whenever I see man/woman walking around inside a black tent at the airports, I thank God that her face is not exposed, otherwise I think I'll throw-up. I guess to the bitch abusers, their ugly faces probably look hot on their heels.

    Man o man, you punk faced are all-time losers. Islam has nothing to show after 1200 years of its existence, except it managed to degenerate part of the human race to a subspecies like the mussie clowns we have on the blog over here.

  17. DAR-SHIT (YES HE IS), bwahahaahaha

    oh man, oh man, oh man.......poor dar-shit on a bender now isn't he folks. its burnin him up quite badly now. So much so that he doesn't even realise that he is single handedly FCUKIN this fake blog all by HIMSELF and I am loving it

    No wonder the fake MURTARD doesn't reply to him (lib, lib lib - please monitor this blog", ROFLMAO!!!!)

    DAR-SHIT suckinh spencer's/sina'a cocks for all he can but what has that dumb white bwoy got in return = NOTHING, NADA, ZILCH

    Hurt much FOOL ?

    Yeah bet it does :)

  18. This is another "bogus" and hateful post from Spencer/Sina. You have already been exposed as fraud. And you had no responses. Look at the disgusting hate emanating from you. That is what is really twisted and vile.

    Your whole story is false. The language, the repeated belittling of Muslims, the convenient "bob". . . etc.

    Another lie - Sites of Ali Sina and Spencer are NOT viewable in Dubai.

    Hence - you're NOT in UAE.

    1. They say clowns are ten a cent - you are no exception. What evidence do you have to call her postings bogus, lets evaluate it in the free-world style?

      Another super-exaggerated acclaim by a mussie - "Your whole story is false". Tell us how did you come to that conclusion?

      Why do you insist she is writing from UAE, then accuse her about your moronic assumptions?

      You are a typical mussie - not able to engage your wide open mouth to your brain. I forgot, your brain is frozen in the deep-dark-ages.

    2. "They say clowns are ten a cent - you are no exception. What evidence do you have to call her postings bogus, lets evaluate it in the free-world style?

      I have posted plenty of evidence in previous comments. You are NOTHING but rude and that is it.

      When I have pointed to "evidence" - you have had NO RESPONSE.

      Other than to be rude.

      - - -

      "Another super-exaggerated acclaim by a mussie - "Your whole story is false". Tell us how did you come to that conclusion?"

      I already have - refer to my comments on the post below this. As your comment shows - you cannot answer other than being rude. Not interested.

      - - -

      "Why do you insist she is writing from UAE, then accuse her about your moronic assumptions?"

      It is NOT me who insisting. Read her posts!

      Just because you call something moronic - it does NOT make it so.

      I have posted well founded reasoning WHY this blog is false.

      - - -

      "You are a typical mussie - not able to engage your wide open mouth to your brain. I forgot, your brain is frozen in the deep-dark-ages."

      Read your own response back to yourself.

      Simply attempting to insult me is illogical.

      If you had answers . . . you would answer.

      NOT insult me.

      - - -

      But you know FULL WELL you cannot answer.

      - - -

      This blog is bogus.

      One piece of evidence . . .

      Alleged email to Sina . . . where this Shakila Khan had completely different writing style.

      When questioned this person made up petty excuses . . .which I had already answered.

      You cannot view sites like Sina's in Dubai. They have blocked them.

      SHe cannot speak Arabic! Yet works/lives in UAE!

  19. "I don't understand why, but my family members actually think that by punishing me like this by ostracizing me from the community, they would make me come back to Islam."

    This is absurd reasoning . . . this persona has extreme level of hate against her immediate family and community - yet read this bizarre response. What community is this person being "ostracised" from?

    - - -

    Again its the same careful tone - and abuse of Muslims. This person has carefully elevated herself to being above Islam - EVEN before her alleged conversion.

    From then on - simply insulting comments towards Muslims - of a similar vain to those Sina makes. Quaint.

    Living years in Arabia - then claiming she had never read he Quran - strange. The implication - English translations are not available in UAE - even more bizarre.

    This is has been consistent from the start . . . which points to this as being a story and nothing more.

    - - -

    This person wanted to speak. . . . I mentioned Skype.

    Haven't heard a peep - since the pretend phone call.

    - - -

    As it is apparent . . .

    Not even her alleged supporters have response. No one is fooled

  20. "But before I do that, the blog thing is not a bad idea at all, all thanks to my dear friend & well wisher Robert Spencer. By the way, someone seriously thinks that I happen to be Robert’s alter ego or something like that... Well, to put an end to such baseless rumors, I would appreciate if you could have a look at the following links. Now don’t tell me that Robert would actually go through such lengths to prove his point. Come on guys, he has better things to do than this….Anyway, the following are a few questions that I wrote to Ali Sina when I first started having doubts regarding my beliefs. I have also written to Daniel Pipes, David Wood and Pamela Geller. Now don’t tell me that Robert pretended to be some Shakila and wrote to all of these people. Don’t you think that is far too desperate even if he wants to prove his point that Islam is a hoax? No one can hate anyone or anything that much, to go to such lengths."

    Read this bizarre entry. . . among her first.

    Why would anyone losing their religion turn to this pack?

    It doesn't make sense. Does it.

    See the use of the name "Robert"!

    Is this is the same Robert that became Bob!

    When under threat of being discovered . . . she made a convenient answer that . . . it is Bob - who is posting these for posts her!

    Yet she has her email and was once willing to ring people.

    Strange! Very.

  21. "Why would anyone losing their religion turn to this pack? "

    Hey clown -

    People are leaving their religions day in and day out. Islam is like running away days after joining an army - you may be shot if you leave. The difference is you can serve the arm forces for a period then leave. Islam claims to be a religion, and we know it is not, because you'll be killed if you leave. - Stop pretending otherwise, OK!

    Sure - Robert is posting on her behalf - she said that and he said that. Wuts the big deal?

    She is not professional writer as Robert, hence some of her stuff is a ted-bit scattered. There is no problem there.

    1. When you start to refer to someone as "Hey clown" - you have lost instantly.

      I know I have got to you . . . and given your amount of posting - one can predict quite few things. . .

      What relationship do you have with author of this blog? Is this your imaginative story?

      - - -

      "Sure - Robert is posting on her behalf - she said that and he said that. Wuts the big deal?"

      Oh did she?

      Actually she denied it . . !

      And when has Spencer admitted this?

      - - -

      Then you ask:

      " Wuts the big deal?"

      Really!? You need this explaining!

      - - -

      "She is not professional writer as Robert, hence some of her stuff is a ted-bit scattered."

      Actually it isn't a "ted-bit scattered" - it is quite well put together.

      - - -

      Reading this persons comments - kind of confirms it . . .


  22. Here is another personal account of a "liberated" Muslim woman who moved to the U.S. from Lebanon. She can't get over all of the new freedoms she has, even something as simple as having keys to her own door.


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    international women day
    womens day image wishes

  25. It's been 5 years since we last heard from "Liberated". Robert Spencer and Ali Sina) claimed at the time to be in contact with her and to know more particulars. Yet they, and "liberated" herself, have been mysteriously silent these past 3 years as to what happened to her. One gets an ominous sinking feeling, knowing her plight, and the danger of an ex-Muslim not only in a Muslim country but still in contact with her Muslim family, when we know how many Muslims kill their own family members for "honor crimes" such as "Liberated" according to her own testimony was "guilty" of (not to mention she seemed to recklessly rub their faces in it, by inviting her Infidel boyfriend over to family dinner, etc.).

    So what happened? And why hasn't anyone (except me) mentioned this in the past 3 years?

    1. I forgot to change the first "5 years" to "3 years" (doing the math on Liberated's final post 3 years ago).

  26. @darn!chan you are liar and use out of context verse first of all go to quran.com it debunk you
    Allah has indeed purchased from the believers their lives and wealth in exchange for Paradise. They fight in the cause of Allah and kill or are killed. This is a true promise binding on Him in the Torah, the Gospel, and the Quran. And whose promise is truer than Allah’s? So rejoice in the exchange you have made with Him. That is ˹truly˺ the ultimate triumph.
